Our Commitment to
Equity and Education:

PCY Responds to the 2024 Election

As we reflect on last week’s election, we are unwavering in our commitment to equity, to expanding and protecting the opportunities for and rights of young people, to people-powered movements and collective action, and to high-quality education for all children and youth. 

We believe that schools and community-based organizations are – and must continue to be – places of safety for kids and families, regardless of their immigration status and/or identity. We are in solidarity and in support of our partners and educators on the ground who are responding to the real fear that many kids and families are feeling.

We are grateful for all of the powerful statements from partner organizations and funders to continue to support the wellbeing of our children, families, and communities. We are also buoyed by the support of California’s leadership, with Governor Newsom preparing lawmakers to proactively combat funds that the Trump administration might withhold, Attorney General Rob Bonta’s promises that in California “progress will prevail,” State Superintendent Tony Thurmond’s support for LGBTQ+ students, and Assemblymember Muratsuchi’s commitment to ensure that school is a safe place for all students, to name a few.

As a PCY team we are prioritizing and making space to come together and process in community and to attend to our individual needs. Now is a time for rest and community, to build our strength for future collective action. 

We will continue to track what the next Administration could mean for education in California, share resources, and adapt as needed to stand true to our values and protect a better future for all children and youth in California.