Summer Learning - A Smart Investment for California School Districts

PCY's Summer Matters Initiative and Policy Analysis for California Education collaborated on the new report “Summer Learning – a Smart Investment for California School Districts.” This report outlines the elements of a successful summer learning program, and the ways districts can invest LCFF funds in summer programs as a strategy to prevent summer learning loss and advance their Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) priorities.

Districts that invest LCFF funds:

• Support high need students directly, through allocation of their concentration and supplemental grant funds.
• Provide extra learning time for students that strengthens academic outcomes, student engagement, school climate, and access to a full curriculum.
• Create powerful professional development opportunities for teachers and after-school staff to support implementation of state content standards.

The most promising programs offer powerful and enriching experiences to young people who need those experiences most. They blend learning and laughing, academics and engagement, purposefulness and plain old fun. They require planning, resources, and creativity. And they work.