Virtual/Blended Learning Addendum of the Quality Self-Assessment Tool for Expanded Learning Programs
A resource for public & affordable housing agencies during COVID-19
While much of our world and day-to-day programming have shifted as a result of COVID-19, the basic tenants of youth development have not changed. The science of learning and development still says young people need strong relationships with caring adults that foster a sense of belonging. Using a continuous quality improvement process is still imperative.
To reflect current changes in programming in response to COVID-19, we have added three standards for virtual/blended learning to the Quality Self-Assessment Tool for Expanded Learning Programs in Public and Affordable Housing:
Standard A: Critical Response Support
Standard B: Household Learning Environment
Standard C: Distance and Blended Learning
Virtual/Blended Learning Addendum Overview
Self-Assessment Scoring Tool
This scoring tool has been updated with the Virtual/Blended Learning Standards
During this time, we urge you to adapt your continuous quality improvement process to reflect your immediate and short-term realities, and prioritize the Virtual/Blended Learning Standards above (A,B,C) in addition to the following 6 of the 12 Quality Standards:
Standard 4: Collaborative partnerships
Standard 5: Family engagement
Standard 7: Diversity, access, and inclusivity
Standard 8: Safe and supportive environment
Standard 9: Active and engaged learning
Standard 11: Youth voice and leadership
About the Quality Self-Assessment Tool & the HousED Initiative
The Quality Self-Assessment Tool for Expanded Learning in Public and Affordable Housing was created by Partnership for Children and Youth and its HousED network in collaboration with Public Profit, and with the generous support of Funders for Housing and Opportunity, Kaiser Permanente, Lesher Foundation, S.H. Cowell Foundation, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Since 2015, public and affordable housing agencies and educators in the HousED network have worked together to create high-quality expanded learning programs tailored to the needs of youth residing in public and affordable housing communities. Led by Partnership for Children & Youth, the HousED initiative increases the accessibility and quality of educational supports in public and affordable housing communities, creating pathways out of poverty.